
My New Neighbors: Lemon & Yuzu's kids

About four or five years ago my neighbor got a female goat (named Yuzu). Although I'm not a person who particularly likes goats, she was kind of cute and it was great because she spent a lot of time eating the weeds around my house so I didn't have to work so hard cutting grass. But as she got older she got uglier as goats tend to do.

My neighbor liked her goat so much that a year later she got a male goat (named Lemon) and built it a pen to keep both of them in. Of course, when you put a male goat and a female goat together "the birds and the bees" happen and kid goats start coming out.

The first kids they had three years were twins and they were adorable. With the pure white fur and their playfulness it was fun to watch them bound around and enjoy their life. Taking care of four grown goats is hard work so my neighbor ended up giving away these two babies.

Lemon and Yuzu mated again last year and had only one male kid. It had something wrong with one of its front legs so it hobbled around and mostly kept along the bushes and walls. He was quite popular because many people would come to feed and pet him. My neighbor gave him to a women who my wife knows through work.

Early this Spring two more kid goats came along and these two are quite the characters. They are pretty fearless and roam around a lot causing mischief. They keep coming over to my house to eat my wife's flower pot and they did it so often that I had to put the pot in the house entrance way one day last week.

The also have started jumping on the small veranda attached to my house to look around and peer into my living room like they want to come inside and visit me. My neighbor told me they are always trying to get inside her house too.

Lately, the have been very noisy together. They start bleating and crying and never stop it. Yesterday they cried for about 15 minutes without stopping so I went out to see what they wanted. They stopped bleating, stared at me for a minute and then starting eating grass again. They'd chew the grass up, cry, and go back to eating grass and bleat after finishing a blade. Who knows what they wanted.

I'm won't be sad when my neighbor gives these two kids away. Not because they cause so much trouble, just because they'll grow up to be big goats who look at me strange when I get out of my car. I want them to always be the cute playful beings they are now. That'll happen if I never see them again.

My wife has blogged about all the goats around my house for a long time if you want to see more:

Posted by JAMES at 12:05│Comments(0)

My New Neighbors: Lemon & Yuzu's kids