
現在形に現在なる (Putting the be in verb be)

やった!やっと現在形のフィギュア集まてしまった!現在形のフィギュアという意味はフィギュアが運動している見たいです。子供の生徒さんが色な動詞の原形英語でを言えるのあと現在形の言うのかたを教えて始まる。アミメのフィギュア使えて子供にすごく楽しみだよ! 中学校の勉強ためにマグネット言葉で同じレッソン説明する。具体的に見たらbe動詞分かるやすいと疑問系使えかたも慣れる。本当によっかたこのフィギュア手に入れた!

I am happy to say that II finally have managed to get a "present tense" collection of figures together! What I mean by "present tense figures" are figures which shows characters in the pose of doing some action. All the kids can say aloud the dictionary form of verbs, "swim, cry, walk, throw, run etc." and these figures are good teaching materials that gets them to change what they already can say into the present tense. After that I use the magnetic words so the kids can see all this in the written form as well. Since the verb "be" isn't a part of Japanese grammar, it's very important to get the kids familiar with it and using character from all the comics and animated shows they are interested in is a great way of teaching it! So, it's great to have been able to get this collection together!


Posted by JAMES at 14:48│Comments(0)

現在形に現在なる (Putting the be in verb be)